VC Element: « Portfolio Scroller »
Thumbnails height: 210
Thumbnails width: 210
Show projects descriptions: Under image
Details, link & zoom: Under image
Hide title: no; Hide meta info: yes; Hide excerpt: yes
Hide details button: yes; Hide link: no; Hide zoom: yes
Top margin: 0
Bottom margin: 0
Number of posts to show: 12
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
VC Element: « Portfolio Scroller »
Thumbnails height: 210
Thumbnails width: 360
Show projects descriptions: on image hover: align-left
Animation: Fade
Background color: Dark
Hide title: no; Hide meta info: no; Hide excerpt: no
Hide details button: no; Hide link: no; Hide zoom: no
Top margin: 0
Bottom margin: 0
Number of posts to show: 12
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
VC Element: « Portfolio justified grid »
Gap between images (px): 0
Row target height (px): 300
100% width: no
Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]
Show projects descriptions: Move from bottom
Content: on hover
Hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it: yes; Hide title: no
Hide meta info: yes; Hide excerpt: no; Hide link: no; Hide zoom: no;
Number of projects to show: 12
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
VC Element: « Portfolio »
Appearance: Grid
Gap between images (px): 1
Column target width (px): 300
100% width: no
Thumbnails proportions: 1:1
Projects width: Make projects same width
Show projects descriptions: On dark gradient
Content: On hover
Hide title: no; Hide meta info: yes; Hide excerpt: no
Hide details button: no; Hide link: no; Hide zoom: no
Number of projects to show: 6
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
VC Element: « Portfolio »
Appearance: Masonry
Gap between images (px): 1
Column target width (px): 300
100% width: no
Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]
Projects width: Make projects same width
Show projects descriptions: On image hover: centered
Animation: Direction aware
Background color: Accent
Hide title: no; Hide meta info: yes; Hide excerpt: no
Hide details button: no; Hide link: no; Hide zoom: no
Number of projects to show: 10
Order by: Date
Order way: Ascending